
Showing posts from April, 2018

10 Signs You're Dating the Wrong Person

10 Signs You're Dating the Wrong Person Do you have any exes who were so awful you can’t help wondering, “What the hell was I thinking?” Join the club. If you’d like to make sure you’re with Mr. or Ms. Right, watch out for these 10 signs you’re dating the wrong person. 1. You feel like you have to wear a mask. If you’re putting on a song-and-dance in an elaborate attempt to impress your partner, you might be dating the wrong person. Your partner should love you as you are. Does it feel like they are trying to mold you into an entirely different person? If so, it might be time to let them go. 2. They think the world revolves around them. If it seems like your partner is more interested in how you fit in their world than they are with your individual needs, you might be dating the wrong person. Even though you just went to his parents’ house for Thanksgiving last year, he gets upset when you suggest visiting your parents this year. Despite the fact that she knows

6 Things That Happen To Your Brain When You Fall In Love

 6 Things That Happen To Your Brain When You Fall In Love Sound crazy? Well, technically, it is. When you fall in love, it does some insane things to you. Here are just six of the crazy things that happen to your brain when you fall in love: 1. Sexual differences diminish.   Our physical sex differences, including structural differences in the brain, are a result of the amount of testosterone in our bodies. When we fall in love, something rather strange happens. A man's testosterone level drops while a woman's surges. In a way, we become more alike. Maybe that's why couples often say, "The lines between us seem to blur." 2. Serotonin levels drop.   Most people will tell you that they're happy when they fall in love. But that's impossible. Research shows that ser

World's first underwater 'quarry hotel' takes shape in Shanghai

World's first underwater 'quarry hotel' takes shape in Shanghai It has taken over a decade of painstaking work, but the structure of the world's first quarry hotel is now complete, with the property set to open in Shanghai next year, the owner has announced. The Sheshan Shimao Quarry Hotel in the city's southwest is being built in an abandoned open-cast mine the size of five football fields. Total cost will exceed 1 billion yuan (S$204 million) once its interior has been fitted out. With 16 of its 18 floors underground, it has been called a wonder of modern engineering. Chief engineer Chen Xiaxiang said while normal projects use tried and tested technology to transport materials upward, this undertaking has required novel solutions to achieve the opposite. "It's been a fight against gravity," he said. The "fight" has mustered more than 5,000 architects, engineers, designers and workers, from ini


The Submarine Sports Car Description This is the only car that navigates underwater realms as easily as it cruises across land. Inspired by the submarine Lotus driven by James Bond in The Spy Who Loved Me, the car floats when driven into water and submerges with the pull of a lever, sending the sports car on an underwater adventure. Two water jets mounted behind rotating louvers at the front of the vehicle provide steering and lift and propellers at the rear provide forward movement up to 2 knots at depths down to 33'.  The two built-in scuba tanks and diving regulators allow two people to remain underwater for an hour. The zero-emission vehicle uses a 54 kW 160 NM electric motor powered by six 48-volt Lithium-ion batteries, allowing it to reach a maximum speed of 75 mph. The two-person capacity car has the same steel chassis used in the Lotus Elise, its interior is impervious to fresh or salt water, and an onboard laser-guided sensor en