9 Signs That You're Depressed

9 Signs That You’re Depressed Being Single You and I both know it. You’re single and depressed about it. If you believe that you’re probably doing okay, odds are you’re lying to yourself. So now you’re both depressed and a liar. Here are are some concrete signs that you’re despondent without a life partner. You ache to return texts or calls out of fear Do you miss the anxiety of realizing you haven’t responded to a text in four hours? You probably don’t even remember the feeling of seeing a timestamp and knowing shit is gonna hit the fan when you get home. This memory loss is a strong sign that you now have the inability to care about meaningless things that other people are sensitive about, and it only gets worse the longer you’re single. 2. You find yourself with too much free time because you don’t have any obligations You’re getting out of work and you might want to hit the gym, might watch TV or maybe masturbate. Or you might not. When you l...