9 Signs That You're Depressed

9 Signs That You’re Depressed Being Single

You and I both know it. You’re single and depressed about it. If you believe that you’re probably doing okay, odds are you’re lying to yourself. So now you’re both depressed and a liar. Here are are some concrete signs that you’re despondent without a life partner.
  1. You ache to return texts or calls out of fear 
Do you miss the anxiety of realizing you haven’t responded to a text in four hours? You probably don’t even remember the feeling of seeing a timestamp and knowing shit is gonna hit the fan when you get home. This memory loss is a strong sign that you now have the inability to care about meaningless things that other people are sensitive about, and it only gets worse the longer you’re single.
2. You find yourself with too much free time because you don’t have any obligations
You’re getting out of work and you might want to hit the gym, might watch TV or maybe masturbate. Or you might not. When you look at your schedule you sadly realize you can do all of these things. Or none of them. The choice to do whatever you want is agonizing. You’re probably longing to be required to meet up with your girlfriend at her work happy hour and have to talk to her coworker Travis who just graduated college this year and is a Republican.
3. You have nightmares that you went on vacation and slept with whoever you wanted

You are waking up in a cold sweat night after night with horrid nightmares of going on vacation. The details fill your mind as you made out with two hot locals in a hot tub and had sex with both of them, only to wake up drunk at 1pm for a second round. You shudder at the fact that there were no repercussions or baggage. These nightmares are bound to continue as you journey into solitude.
4. You find yourself not censoring your language
When talking with your friends, are you just talking to your friends? Yeah, thought so. Its a bad sign that you’re no longer censoring your language to avoid confrontation or hurt feelings. You’re saying whatever you want to say, and this could be deadly.
5. You envy the fights your coupled friends have

You are getting messages from your friends who are in relationships with screenshots of their text-fights and dreaming of the day this could be you. You want to be the one to say “It’s not what you said but its the way you said it” so that he can reply “I was repeating what you were saying, not actually saying it myself” so that you can reply “But you said it!” Sigh.
6. You’re upset because your mistakes in the past aren’t brought up all the time and you might forget them.
How are you going to remember your mistakes if there isn’t someone to bring them up anytime you make another one? Its a legitimate problem and dating someone is the only solution. You need a real live mistake-keeper that takes the one shitty thing you did and then lists off everything else in reverse-chronological order, simply so you can remember them. Because they care about your memory!
7. You have too much energy from not being responsible for another person
You’re going out to a club and realize you aren’t exhausted halfway into the night, and unfortunately you may have to stay out longer. This is because you don’t have a boyfriend or girlfriend who’s over serving themselves and needing to be watched. Did he just take off his shirt? Where is his shirt? Let me grab it and put it in my purse. Did she just vomit on that stranger? Let me profusely apologize, give him $20, then have her yell at me in the cab that “she’s fine and I’m an asshole” for putting her to bed at 11pm. Having these opportunities for energy-loss and exhaustion lets you go home at a reasonable hour.
8. You miss pretending to like someone’s friends
When you meet people in your life that you don’t like, it’s depressing that you are able to avoid them. You wish to meet people you don’t like that you’re required to hang out with and can’t say anything about.
9. You look around and see a lot of new environments, rather than the same apartment

You find yourself doing a lot of different things every weekend and it’s confusing and sad. New bar after new apartment after new city, all with new people to meetit gets confusing! You miss the days where you sat in one of your apartments weeks and weeks on end, sitting in your farts while reminding each other that you should really get some art to cover the blank white walls.

Post by Realolly.blogspot.com


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