Nigeria Might Have The Cure Of Corona Virus

Will the World end with these Virus. The new virus are Corona Virus (COVID 19) and Hanta Virus which later showed up in the last few days.
According to Wikipedia

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease was first identified in 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, China, and has since spread globally, resulting in the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic. 
Common symptoms include fevercough, and shortness of breathMuscle painsputum production, diarrhea, and sore throat are less common. While the majority of cases result in mild symptoms, some progress to pneumonia and multi-organ failure. As of 25 March 2020, the rate of deaths per number of diagnosed cases is 4.5 percent; however, it ranges from 0.2 percent to 15 percent, according to age group and other health problems.

Nigeria might be the solution to end the raging Corona Virus and Hanta Virus. Before the use of medicine, tablet, capsule, suspension dose e.t.c. Nigeria itself has herbs, medicinal from leafs, spiritual healing. Let take a look at the meaning of a Baba alawo

Babaaláwo or Babalawo is a spiritual title that denotes a priest of the Ifá oracle. Ifá is a divination system that represents the teachings of the Òrìṣà Ọrunmila, the Òrìṣà of Wisdom, who in turn serves as the oracular representative of Olodumare.
Oracle should be consulted and been asked for help, this is the way our forefathers have been living their life. The work of a real Babalawo is highly skilled in offerings (Ebos / Sacrifices), gifted in all kinds of spiritual baths, adepts in medicines and charms preparations and a custodian of African Tradition Religion and Customs.
Why don't we try African Way of healing ourselves instead of waiting on China to present the medicine it might be too late. 

Where is our local herbs? I won't blame the government banning it, people use overdose and later abuse the usage. My advice will be that the government should meet this Babaalawo's and local herbs maker to work in hand with pharmacist, providing data of the virus. When they fully understand they will consult the Ifa (oracle) and ask for the medicine which will be made in a local herbs

Let give Nigeria a trial in finding the medicine to cure Corona Virus. If you believe share this article.


  1. I think world are not going anywhere with this corona virus. We need some care and patience.
    Be happy 😊


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